
Friday, May 27, 2016

Summer Reading: Going Digital with KPL

I mentioned audiobooks as a great way to multitask in my initial post about summer reading a few days ago. Did you know that the public library offers digital resources through two different services? Patrons can use Hoopla to stream or download audiobooks (as well as music and movies) and Overdrive (or another preferred reader/audio app or desktop) to download audiobooks and ebooks through the Midwest Collaborative for Library Services. This connects us to thousands of resources without ever having to leave home. If you don't have an internet connection, you can use the public, free wi-fi at KPL to download items to your device and enjoy them anywhere you plan to go. For both of these resources, a KPL library card is required for verification that you are a KPL patron and sign up is simple--just follow the listed steps. If you don't have a library card, signing up is easy. Learn how to obtain a card here.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Summer Reading: Public Library Programming

Summer reading really can't be separated from the public library. As schools are slowly finalizing the 2015-2016 school year, public libraries are getting geared up for their summer programming. Our local public library is trying something new this year. In addition to the traditional paper copy of a summer reading card that most kids are used to, KPL will also debut an online tracking system for summer reading and programming. The online system allows kids to sign up and then track their progress online. The tracking is divided into several categories: read (20 minutes/day), lead, explore, move, and create. The traditional "read" makes sense, but I love that there are other categories that encourage us to visit sites throughout town, take a role in getting others interested in the library, be active, and learn how to make new things.

Signing up to log reading and activities is simple. I have created a tutorial on the process. We will also be hosting public librarians who will explain the program and share the various participation options with all of our students, as well as assisting with sign up. I am excited to have a digital option that allows students who might not have transportation to the library and/or who are out of town during the summer the opportunity to participate. It will be interesting to track the data and compare it to previous efforts that we have instituted in conjunction with the public library.

In addition to having a great selection of books and movies, the public library hosts a variety of programs for all ages. The Link newsletter is delivered to homes and is also available online. It details many of the popular programs that are offered for each age group. You can log attendance at these formal programs, but there is also a chance to explore the branches and other locations around town to get secret codes that can be entered online as part of the digital game. How much fun is that?! I'm hoping to participate in many of these opportunities myself and look forward to seeing my students this way throughout the summer.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Summer Reading: Sync

Summer reading is upon us (really!) I know it snowed less than two weeks ago, but we're also less than three weeks from the end of school. With so much concern about summer slide, promoting a wide variety of options is key to summer reading success. There are many fantastic options to keep reading through the entire vacation. From traditional summer reading games at public libraries, to digital programs and the use of ebooks and audiobooks, there is something for everyone. I'm planning a series of posts to highlight some of the options available to our students.

One of the exciting programs that has been available for a few years is the Sync Audiobooks for Teens. Sync offers two audiobooks per week from May 5-August 17, 2016. A new pair of audiobooks based on a weekly theme will be available each Thursday morning. A total of 30 titles are available for the summer, including lots of high interest options. Each title can be downloaded in MP3 format using the Overdrive app. The coolest part? Once a book is downloaded, it's yours to keep!

How can audiobooks be enjoyed throughout the summer?
  • Listen while you walk or run
  • Listen on a car ride
  • Listen during a bike ride (on a safe trail--not in traffic!)
  • Listen while mowing the lawn or gardening
  • Listen while taking a bath
  • Listen at bedtime
  • Listen while doing chores
  • Listen while cooking
Most people who have never tried audiobooks find them to be an enjoyable way to multitask. 

The poster below lists the dates and books available each week. Give one a try and let me know how it goes!